Medicare Advantage
Policy Number: MA-X-069
Last Updated: Dec. 2, 2024
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE) requires a refund offsetting process for all medical claims. When a claim overpayment occurs, the provider will be offset immediately on the same payment cycle. If the offset is greater than the current payment in the payment cycle, continued offsets will occur until the overpayment is satisfied.
If an overpayment is identified by the provider, please follow the claims adjustment process. For subrogation and/or workers' compensation, please use the updated reconsideration form. Do not send a check or payment as this will result in a refund of the payment after the claim is adjusted.
If you have questions related to the offsetting of a claim, log onto NaviNet® to review the claim and/or conduct a claims investigation.
NaviNet® is a healthcare provider portal providing services for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska.