Federal Employee Program (FEP) Requirements - Dental

Policy Number: DP-F-001

Last Updated: Nov 15, 2024

General FEHB and PSHB overview

Federal employees who are enrolled in a medical plan offered through the Federal Service Benefit Plan (FEHB and PSHB programs) may have a plan that includes dental benefits. When this is the case, file your dental claim to the FEHB and PSHB carrier first.* This coverage is primary to any coverage the patient has through a supplemental Federal Employee Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP).  

*Other coordination-of-benefits rules may apply if the federal employee or a covered family member has other non-FEDVIP medical and/or dental coverage. Follow your normal procedures for verifying which group or individual dental plan is primary in these situations.   

Plans available in Nebraska 

To view the plans available to members in Nebraska, visit FEPBlue.org.