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Provider Update November 2024
Jump to section:General Information|Medical|Medicare Advantage | Security
Welcome to our new Update Newsletter format where information for our medical, dental and Medicare Advantage products is included in one publication.
General Information
Q4 reminder to verify provider directory information in CAQH by end of year
In Q3 2024, only 73% of participating providers completed the attestation. Under the CAA, BCBSNE is required to remove providers from our directory whose data we are unable to verify. If you do not complete the attestation in CAQH, and we are unable to verify your information, you may be removed from the directory.
For more information about verifying your information in CAQH, please visit CAQH Provider Data Portal.
For PHO groups handling their own credentialing processes, please continue submitting a full roster every 90 days.
Sign up for NaviNet®
Registration is free; all you need is a Federal Tax ID. All participating Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE) health care and dental providers can enroll for access.
If your office is already using NaviNet, please contact your Security Officer to create a NaviNet account for you. If you do not have a NaviNet account, please visit Register.NaviNet.net to begin the registration process.
Recent updates to Policies
- Canceled Procedure
- Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records Rule (42 CFR Part 2)
- Home Medical Equipment (HME)
- Readmission Quality Program
Revised Medical Policies
Effective Nov. 1, 2024:
- VIII.10 Standing Frames (Stander, Standing Device)
Effective Dec. 1, 2024:
- III.239 Lower Esophageal Myotomy for Treatment of Achalasia and Gastroparesis
Reminder: Emailing provider executives
Emails are handled in the order received; however, emails are not processed unless the below information is included.
- Provider name, NPI and TIN
- Claim numbers (if applicable)
- Member name and ID
- Expected outcome or reimbursement
Additionally, the appropriate steps MUST be followed first BEFORE submitting an escalation request to this email box:
Step One: NaviNet
Please access NaviNet for all member, claim, authorization and appeal needs. If you do not have access to NaviNet please register by following the steps on the Provider Academy.
Step Two: Contact
If self-service in NaviNet is unsuccessful, please us the claims investigation tool located in NaviNet.
Step Three: Escalating
For claim escalation needs that you are unable to resolve through NaviNet or Customer Service Claims (CSC) Investigation, you can email this email box and include why NaviNet or Claims Investigation was not successful including the inquiry number from Customer Service.
All fee schedules are available in NaviNet and will no longer be available via CSC, email or inquiry.
If you are affiliated with a PHO, you must obtain the fee schedule from the PHO.
Please submit your request via NaviNet using the Timely Filing form.
Please remember – COB is not a member ID exception. Please complete the reconsideration form on NaviNet if another insurance was billed, recouped or denied the claim and you then submitted to BCBSNE.
Provider Executives no longer address COBs submitted incorrectly on a timely filing form.
Medicare Advantage
Recent updates to Medicare Advantage Policies
- MA Part B Utilization Management in the Absence of NCD or LCD Policy Number M.16
- MA Part B Utilization Management Review with NCD or LCD Policy Number M.17
- MA Part B Step Therapy for Outpatient Medications Policy Number M.18
- MA Part B Drug Prior Authorization List
- MA Prior Authorization and Precertification Requirements
New ID number for current BCBSNE MA members effective Jan. 1, 2025
BCBSNE is excited to inform you that all current BCBSNE Medicare Advantage members will receive a new member ID number, effective Jan. 1, 2025.
Key points to remember:
- New ID cards: Members could begin to receive new ID cards in the mail by early October.
- Prefix for new ID cards: To help identify which ID card is the new one for Jan. 1, 2025, the prefix will be different.
- YMA4 will be the new prefix for the HMO product instead of YMAN.
- Y2M4 will be the new prefix for the PPO product instead of Y2MN.
- Effective date: These new ID numbers will not be valid until Jan. 1, 2025.
- Usage: Please note that the new ID numbers should be used for services on or after Jan. 1, 2025.
If you receive a new ID number from a current BCBSNE Medicare Advantage member, please remember that it will only be effective for dates of service from Jan. 1, 2025 onwards.
This information was posted on the MA Happening Now page on Oct. 1, 2024. Thank you for your attention to this important update!
MA split-year claim submission
Non-Nebraska outpatient, professional claims and CAH swing bed
For outpatient, professional and CAH swing bed claims with charges incurred during different years, the charges must be submitted on separate claims. This requirement will be the same each year end for split-year claims.
Claims for non-Nebraska members that are not split will reject back to the provider upon submission.
For example:
If dates of service are from Dec. 15, 2024, to Jan. 15, 2025:
- Submit charges incurred from Dec. 15, 2024, to Dec. 31, 2024, on one claim
- Submit charges incurred from Jan. 1, 2025, to Jan. 15, 2025, on a separate claim
Claims submitted with charges incurred during both years on the same claim will be rejected back to the provider to split the claim.
Institutional Inpatient Claims
For inpatient* institutional claims, it is no longer required to split the entire claim for non-Nebraska members.
*Inpatient includes acute care hospital, psychiatric hospital, rehabilitation hospital, skilled nursing and swing-bed (excluding CAH swing bed).
Medicare Advantage Access Standards
BCBSNE establishes provider access standards in accordance with CMS regulations for BCBSNE Medicare Advantage members. The following standards apply to BCBSNE Medicare Advantage Primary Care and Behavioral Health in-network providers for BCBSNE Medicare Advantage. Providers who do not meet the standards may be required to complete a Corrective Action Plan (CAP).
Provider Type |
Appointment Type |
Primary Care Provider
Routine and Preventive care must be provided within 30 business days of patient request. Non-Urgent care requiring medical attention must be provided within seven business days of patient request. Emergent Care for urgently needed services must be provided immediately. |
Behavioral Health Provider
Routine and Preventive care must be provided within 30 business days of patient request. Non-Urgent care requiring medical attention must be provided within seven business days of patient request. Emergent Care for urgently needed services must be provided immediately. |
After-Hours Access to Care |
CMS requires that the hours of operation of its practitioners are convenient for and do not discriminate against members. Practitioners must provide coverage for their practice 24 hours a day, seven days a week with a published after-hours telephone number (to a practitioner’s home or other relevant location), pager or answering service or a recorded message directing members to a physician for after-hours care instruction. Note: Recorded messages instructing members to obtain treatment via emergency room for conditions that are not life threatening is not acceptable. In addition, primary care physicians must provide appropriate backup for absences. |
Medicare Advantage Preauthorization update for Medical Specialty Drugs webinar
To help providers better prepare for this new program, we are offering online training. The Prime team of experts will walk you through the prior approval process. Understanding our new procedures will help ensure that your claims are processed promptly and accurately.
Join us for a 60-minute, web-based training session presented by Prime and become familiar with:
- The policies and procedures for this new program.
- What medical benefit drugs will require prior approval.
- How to obtain access to the Prime website.
- How to complete prior authorization requests using easy-to-use online tools from Prime.
It is recommended that you reserve your spot in one of these education sessions at least one week ahead of time. You will receive a registration confirmation email from Prime for the webinar session you select, including instructions for dialing in by phone should you need to do so.
Date | Time | Registration link |
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024 | 9 a.m. (Central Standard Time) | https://bit.ly/BCBSNE1 |
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024 | 1 p.m. (Central Standard Time) | https://bit.ly/BCBSNE2 |
You will only need to attend one of the above educational sessions.
Please note that you will be able to begin requesting prior authorizations beginning Dec. 19, 2024, for dates of service on or after Jan. 1, 2025, for Medicare members only. If you have questions, please reach out to your Provider Executive.
Medicare Advantage Preauthorization update for Musculoskeletal (MSK) and Interventional Pain Management (IPM) webinar
BCBSNE has expanded its partnership with Evolent (formerly National Imaging Associates, Inc) to include BCBSNE Medicare Advantage members for the Musculoskeletal (MSK) and Interventional Pain Management (IPM) authorization programs that have existed for commercial members since 2015. Evolent’s MSK and IPM Solutions programs are intended to help providers effectively deliver quality patient care.
Evolent is an independent company providing MSK and IPM solution programs for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska, an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
Effective Jan. 1, 2025, MSK and IPM services will require prior authorization through Evolent prior to being rendered in an inpatient or outpatient setting (MSK) or outpatient facility/office setting (IPM). Providers may begin contacting Evolent on Jan. 1, 2025, to seek prior authorization for procedures scheduled on or after Jan. 1, 2025. This prior authorization management program applies to your BCBSNE Medicare Advantage members.
Evolent uses clinical criteria based on nationally recognized guidelines to promote evidence-based practices.
The Evolent program will apply to all specialties for the following non-emergent inpatient and outpatient MSK surgeries:
- Lumbar Microdiscectomy
- Lumbar Decompression (Laminotomy, Laminectomy, Facetectomy and Foraminotomy)
- Lumbar Spine Fusion (Arthrodesis) With or Without Decompression – Single and Multiple Levels
- Lumbar Artificial Disc Replacement – Single and Multiple Levels
- Cervical Anterior Decompression with Fusion – Single and Multiple Levels
- Cervical Posterior Decompression with Fusion – Single and Multiple Levels
- Cervical Posterior Decompression (without fusion)
- Cervical Artificial Disc Replacement – Single and Multiple Levels
- Cervical Anterior Decompression (without fusion)
The Evolent program will apply to all specialties for the following outpatient IPM procedures:
- Spinal Epidural Injections
- Paravertebral Facet Joint Injections or Blocks
- Paravertebral Facet Joint Denervation (Radiofrequency (RF) Neurolysis)
Prior authorization requests for MSK and IPM services can be submitted to Evolent:
- Via Evolent provider portal at RadMD.com
- Via telephone at 1-800-424-4956. Staff is available Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CST.
RadMD offers providers the ability to:
- Request prior authorization and verify authorization status.
- Upload required clinical documentation and view submitted files.
- Access clinical guidelines, checklists and additional provider resources and tools.
- Identify the dedicated Evolent Provider Solutions Manager to use as a direct point-of-contact for any issues or questions.
BCBSNE Medicare Advantage approvals issued before Jan. 1, 2025, are effective until the authorization end date. Upon expiration, authorization requests must be submitted to Evolent. For services/treatment that did not require an authorization prior to Jan. 1, 2025, an authorization may be required from Evolent for service/treatment dates on and after Jan. 1, 2025.
Any BCBSNE Medicare Advantage prior authorization requirements for the facility or hospital admission must be obtained separately and only initiated after the service has met Evolent’s medical necessity criteria.
BCBSNE Medicare Advantage is proud to be your health care partner. If you frequently request MSK and/or IPM services and are new to this process, please register for a training session.
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024
8 a.m. CST
Zoom Link
Thursday, Nov. 21, 2024
Noon CST
Zoom Link
Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024
Noon CST
Zoom Link
Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024
8 a.m. CST
Zoom Link
+1-305-224-1968 US
+1-646-931-3860 US
Meeting ID for Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024, at 8 a.m. CST: ID# 910 3096 1772
Meeting ID for Thursday, Nov. 21, 2024, at 12 p.m. CST: ID# 979 5575 1234
Meeting ID for Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2024, at 12 p.m. CST: ID# 941 1187 2952
Meeting ID for Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024, at 8 a.m. CST: ID# 995 2090 7746
If you have questions, please contact BCBSNE Medicare Advantage Provider Services Department at 1-888-505-2022. If you have questions about Evolent MSK or IPM programs, please email RadMDSupport@Evolent.com or call 1-800-327-0641.
We look forward to offering you this program and hope it will enhance your experience with MSK and IPM authorizations.
Security Corner
Where to start
- Mandate the use of MFA. Ensure everyone uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) to access key systems, especially email, and on your website and portal logins for your patients.
- Train your staff. Everyone should have the ability to recognize social engineering attempts, like phishing, as well as the motivation to avoid and report all kinds of security risks.
- Update your software. Regularly update the devices and applications you’re using. Many attacks succeed because the victim is running old, vulnerable operating systems and software.