Medical Policy Update
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska is proud to work with our provider network to serve your patients, our members. We are updating several medical policies. Please review the changes and effective dates outlined here:
MPC May 2024
May 1, 2024
New Medical Policies
Medical Policy Pneumatic Pumps (programmable and nonprogrammable)
Effective Date: 09/01/2024
Preauthorization Required: YES
Preauthorization Required: YES
- Single-compartment or multichamber nonprogrammable lymphedema pumps applied to the limb may be considered medically necessary for the treatment of lymphedema when:
- The individual has diagnosis of:
- Lymphedema of the extremities, OR
- Edema for any reason of the extremities i.e. (after trauma/surgery/post DVT/pregnancy/post sclerotherapy), OR
- Prevention of thrombosis.
- The individual has diagnosis of:
- Single-compartment or multichamber programmable lymphedema pumps applied to the limb may be considered medically necessary for the treatment of lymphedema when:
- The individual has diagnosis of:
- Lymphedema of the extremities, OR
- Edema for any reason of the extremities i.e. (after trauma/surgery/post DVT/pregnancy/post sclerotherapy), OR
- Prevention of thrombosis.
- There is documentation that the individual has unique characteristics (e.g., significant scarring) that prevent satisfactory pneumatic compression with single-compartment or multichamber nonprogrammable lymphedema pumps.
- The individual has diagnosis of:
- Single-compartment or multichamber programmable lymphedema pumps applied to the limb are considered investigational in all situations other than those specified above Including:
- Use of pneumatic pumps to treat the trunk or chest without involvement of the extremities, OR
- Pneumatic pumps applied to the head and neck, OR
- Pneumatic pumps for treatment of venous ulcers.
Revised Medical Policies
Medical Policy I.105 Electrical Stimulation of Muscles and Nerves
Effective Date: 09/01/2024
Preauthorization Required: YES
Additional policy statement:
The use of subcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation is considered investigational for all indications.