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Health Insurance 101

Health care can be confusing so we have created resources to help you understand everything you need to know so you can be confident about your health care decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

We know health insurance creates a lot of questions. What is an in-network doctor? What is a High Deductible Health Plan? We want you to feel confident when making your health care choices so we have made it easy to understand.

Know Where To Go

Each level of care costs something different under your health insurance plan. In some instances, you can save money by choosing a treatment from a care facility or doctor that has a lower copayment.


We know health care is confusing so we created a list of frequently used terms. Transparency is key for us and we want you to understand everything you need to know.

Preparing for Open Enrollment

Selecting health insurance benefits can be tough but it is vital to choose the right benefits to ensure you're covered when you least expect it. We believe in making benefit decisions easier for you, so we have created a four step worksheet to help you choose the right plan for you and your family.