Woman with curly hair laughing

Dental Insurance Plans

Regular dental care is an important part of an overall healthy lifestyle. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska offers three dental options to meet the needs and budgets of individuals and families, even if you don’t have health insurance coverage with us.


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Get Started

What should I look for in a dental plan?

What are your needs?

Consider what types of services you will be using. Whether you have complex dental issues or will just be going in for preventive check-ups and cleanings.

What dentists are available?

Check our large dental network to make sure your dentist is in network or find a new one.


How much can I afford?

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska has three plans to choose from that offer varying levels of coverage with different premiums costs.

Choose a Plan

No matter which dental plan you choose, you will have coverage for a wide range of services.

Preventive Services

Covers routine oral exams and cleanings as well as fluoride for those under the age of 16.

Basic Maintenance

Covers fillings, extractions and other basic dental maintenance. 

Major/Complex Services

Covers services such as crowns, dentures, root canals and more. 

Download the brochure to view the covered services in each category. 

Download the Brochure

Ready to get started?   Get a DentalEssentials quote today.

Dental Essential plans are available to Nebraska residents age 19 and older (dependents under age 19 are allowed, but the subscriber on the policy must be at least 19).

Preventive Plus



  I don’t go to the dentist a lot; I just go in for my preventive check-ups and cleanings. I may have cavities or a tooth that needs to be pulled. I have more complex dental issues and may require a crown or dentures. 

per person, per calendar year

$50 $100 $100
Calendar Year Maximum
per person, per calendar year
$1,000 $1,500 $2,000

Percentage of Covered Charges You Pay1 (coinsurance)

Preventive and Diagnostic Dentistry (Coverage A Services)

0% (deductible waived) 0% (deductible waived) 0% (deductible waived)

Maintenance and Simple Restorative Dentistry and Oral Surgery 
(Coverage B Services, 6-month waiting period2

20% 20% 20%

Complex Restorative Dentistry, Periodontic and Endodontics 
(Coverage C services, 12-month waiting period)

50% 50% 50%
The chart above is a general overview of DentalEssentials benefits and is not a contract. It does not provide all the details of coverage including benefits, limitations and contract exclusions. In the event of discrepancies between this document and the contract, the terms and conditions of the contract will govern.

1When an in-network dentist is used. Coinsurance is based on the allowable charge for a covered service. Generally, the allowable charge for covered services by in-network providers will be the contract amount. The allowable charge for covered services by out-of-network providers will be based on the contracted amount for Nebraska providers.

2Waived when a DentalEssentials plan is purchase at the same time that a Medicare Supplement, Armor Health, or Nebraska HeartlandBlue policy is purchased or renewed.


Already have DentalEssentials coverage? Download your Schedule of Benefits Summary: 

DentalEssentials Preventive Plus
DentalEssentials Preventive Plus B waived
DentalEssentials Enhanced
DentalEssentials Enhanced B waived
DentalEssentials Option  2
DentalEssentials Option 2 B waived
DentalEssentials Option 3
DentalEssentials Option 3 B waived
DentalEssentials Premier
DentalEssentials Premier B waived

A printed copy of your Schedule of Benefits Summary is available upon request by contacting member services at the number on the back of your member ID card.