Chiropractic Care

Medicare Advantage
Policy Number: MA-X-082  

Last Updated: Dec. 16, 2024

Chiropractic care focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Chiropractic care is most often used to treat neuro-musculoskeletal complaints, including but not limited to back pain, neck pain, headaches and pain in the joints of the arms or legs. Chiropractors utilize a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care that includes patient examination, diagnosis and treatment.  

The most common therapeutic procedure performed by doctors of chiropractic medicine is known as spinal manipulation. The purpose of manipulation is to restore joint mobility by manually applying a controlled force into joints that have become hypo mobile or restricted in their movement as a result of a tissue injury. Manipulation, or adjustment of the affected joint and tissues, restores mobility, thereby alleviating pain and muscle tightness, and allowing tissues to heal. 

Original Medicare  
Original Medicare only pays for chiropractic care services deemed to be medically necessary and reasonable.  

Under the Original Medicare program, coverage of chiropractic care is specifically limited to treatment by means of manual manipulation (by use of the hands) of the spine to correct a subluxation provided such treatment is legal in the state where performed. Additionally, manual devices (i.e., those that are hand-held with the thrust of the force of the device being controlled manually) may be used by chiropractors in performing manual manipulation of the spine. However, no additional payment is available for use of the device or for the device itself. All other services furnished or ordered by chiropractors are not covered.  

The patient must have a significant health problem in the form of a neuromuscular-skeletal condition necessitating treatment. The patient’s primary diagnosis must be subluxation of the spine. The precise level of the subluxation must be specified by the chiropractor to substantiate a claim for manipulation of the spine. A subluxation may be demonstrated by an X-ray or by physical examination.  

The manipulative services rendered must have a direct therapeutic relationship to the patient’s condition and provide reasonable expectation of recovery or improvement of function. For Medicare purposes, a chiropractor must place modifier AT (acute treatment) on the claim when providing active or corrective treatment to treat acute or chronic subluxation.  

Maintenance therapy is defined as services that seek to prevent disease, promote health, prolong and enhance the quality of life or maintain or prevent deterioration of a chronic condition. When further clinical improvement cannot reasonably be expected from continuous ongoing care, and the chiropractic treatment becomes supportive rather than corrective in nature, the treatment is then considered maintenance therapy. The modifier AT must not be placed on the claim when maintenance therapy has been provided. Claims without modifier AT are considered maintenance therapy and denied.  

Coverage criteria for chiropractic services are based on Medicare laws, regulations and guidelines and local coverage determinations established by Medicare carriers and A/B Medicare Administrative Contractors. Original Medicare does not impose caps and limits for covered chiropractic care. There may be review screens (numbers of visits at which the Medicare carrier or A/B MAC may require a review of documentation). 

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska Medicare Advantage Enhanced Benefit  
The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska Medicare (BCBSNE) Advantage plans provide at least the same level of benefit coverage as Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) and may provide enhanced benefits beyond the scope of Original Medicare within a single health care plan. This flexibility allows BCBSNE to offer enriched plans by using Original Medicare as the base program and adding desired benefit options.  

Coverage for routine chiropractic care is provided to members under the BCBSNE Medicare Advantage plans. The scope of the benefit, reimbursement methodology, maximum payment amounts and the member’s cost–sharing are determined by BCBSNE. The Medicare Advantage plans offer the following coverage:  

  • Visits for routine care covered under this benefit have a $20 copay amount.  
  • One set of diagnostic x-rays (up to three views) performed by a chiropractor annually at no cost to the member are provided under this benefit. 

Coverage for mechanical traction therapy or other physical therapy services, and spinal manipulation for conditions not listed under the conditions for payment is not provided under this benefit. Chiropractic claims without modifier AT are considered maintenance therapy and denied. If you're receiving a denial on a Medicare claim with the "AT" modifier from BCBSNE, it likely means that the insurance company is determining the service billed with the modifier does not meet the criteria for "therapeutic (treatment) procedure" and should not be billed with the "AT" modifier according to their clinical editing rules; you should review your patient's medical records and the specific coding guidelines for the procedure code in question to ensure proper billing and may need to submit an appeal if you believe the denial is incorrect. 

Emergency treatment of an acute spinal condition must be provided within 48 hours of the injury. The BCBSNE Medicare Advantage plans do not pay for follow-up services unless the injury for which services were provided results in an ongoing acute or chronic condition. In that case, payment may be made for follow-up services for chiropractic manipulative treatment.  

Providers who choose to participate in the BCBSNE Medicare Advantage network are considered to be in network. 

Conditions for Payment  

Conditions for Payment
Eligible Provider Chiropractor
Payable Location Office
Frequency Based on CPT codes billed
Diagnostic radiology
72010, 72020, 72040, 72050, 72052, 72069, 72070, 72072,72074, 72080, 72090, 72100, 72110, 72114, 72120, 72170, 72190, 72200, 72202, 72220  
X-rays of the area of chief complaint may be taken at the start of treatment.  
Follow-up X-rays should be performed within 90 days for acute conditions and within 365 days for chronic conditions.
  Evaluation and management New patient visits (99201, 99202, and 99203) payable once every 36 months per chiropractor. 
Established patient visits (99212, 99213 and 99214) payable once every 12 months per chiropractor. 
  Spinal manipulation Spinal manipulation services (98940, 98941 and 98942): 
modifier AT required – may be billed once per day. 
Diagnosis Restrictions
Diagnostic radiology X-rays of areas other than that of the chief complaint must be supported by documentation showing medical necessity.  
No restrictions. 
  Evaluation and management Must be medically necessary. No restrictions.
  Spinal manipulation Must be medically necessary. Consistent with Original Medicare.
Age Restrictions
No restrictions

BCBSNE Medicare Advantage plans’ maximum payment amount for chiropractic care services is consistent with Original Medicare. The provider will be paid the lesser of the allowed amount or the provider’s charge, minus the member’s cost share. This represents payment in full and providers are not allowed to balance bill the member for the difference between the allowed amount and the charge. 

Member Cost-sharing 

  • BCBSNE Medicare Advantage providers should collect the applicable cost-sharing from the member at the time of the service when possible. Cost-sharing refers to a flat-dollar copayment a percentage coinsurance or a deductible. Providers can only collect the appropriate BCBSNE Medicare Advantage cost-sharing amounts from the member. 
  • If the member elects to receive a non-covered service, he or she is responsible for the entire charge associated with the non-covered service.  

To verify benefits and cost share, providers may call 888-505-2022. 

Billing Instructions for Providers  

  • Bill services on the CMS 1500 (02/12) claim form or the 837 equivalent claim. 
  • Use the BCBSNE Medicare Advantage unique billing requirements.  
  • Report HCPCS codes and diagnosis codes to the highest level of specificity.  
  • Report your National Provider Identifier number on all claims. 
  • Send your claims to your local BCBS plan. 

Revision History:
Policy Number: NEHMO 1012  
Created Date: 06/16/2017  
Revised Date: 1/20/2020  
Effective Date: 01/01/2018