BlueCard®: Claim Payment
Policy Number: GP-X-091
Last Updated: July 19, 2022
BlueCard claims are priced and processed based on the provider agreement you have with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE). As a contracted provider, you may collect deductible, copays and/or coinsurance directly from the patient or responsible party, as well as billed charges for noncovered services.
BlueCard Program claim processing times may vary. If you have not received payment for a claim, do not resubmit unless you have verified it was not received. The quickest and most efficient way to check claim status is by submitting a claim status inquiry through NaviNet.
In some cases, a member’s Blue Plan may pend a claim because medical review or additional information is needed. When resolution of a pended claim requires additional information from you, BCBSNE may either ask you for the information or give the member’s Plan permission to contact you directly.
BlueCard® - registered derivative